Recent content by Setsuna

  1. S

    brother stabbed me in penis, made me drink urine

    When I was 5 or less than 5 years old, my brother and I were taking a bath together. For reasons unknown to me, he decided to stab me in the meatus of the penis with a spoon. I think the pain was great enough for me to cry. Another time, we were taking a bath, again. My brother handed me a cup...
  2. S

    Did I need therapy as a kid?

    This is a really touchy subject... I always had OCD. When I was in grade 5, I was obsessed with fictional characters. My compulsion was to act like those fictional characters, because otherwise, I would be "inadequate". This kind of screwed up my social interactions with others, and ruined my...
  3. S

    A "normal childhood" in the eyes of a not-so-normal child

    I'm not an expert writer or anything...but I just thought, for myself, that I would write a short story detailing how I was an oversensitive kid with special needs that were NOT addressed by my family. They just treated me like any "normal" kid. So here it goes: I didn't do it for attention. I...
  4. S

    Was I abused as a child?

    When I was five years old or maybe less, my mother, as punishment, sometimes told me that she "hates me". I remember one time, she hit me, or threatened to hit me, with a shoe or sandal. She was a piano teacher, and she would sometimes take the time to teach me piano. I was REALLY nervous in...