Recent content by tooshytosay

  1. tooshytosay

    Does it never occur to you to say anything unless directly questioned?

    To me, it really is like that. Unless someone asks me a direct question which demands an answer, it never "occurs" to me speak anything, at all. Literally, if the other person could, I would let the other person speak for on and on and on and on and I'll be fine with that. It would never occur...
  2. tooshytosay

    How do you enjoy forced socializing?

    If I could have things my way, I would just stay home all day and have online contact with just the select few people that I know. Most people would think that's terribly boring and "anti-social", but to me, that's the most comfortable and enjoyable thing that I could be doing. Unfortunately...
  3. tooshytosay

    I think I say "alright" too much...

    Something I've realised recently, I use the word "alright" as a way to quickly cut-off a burgeoning conversation. For example: How are you? Alright. How was your weekend? Alright. How has your day been? Alright. How have you found xxx? Alright. What was xxx like? Alright. What do you...
  4. tooshytosay

    Society's discrimination against shyness/quietness hurts more than SA itself

    One of the most memorable comments I've heard from the disability community is this - that so often what makes them suffer is not the disability in itself, but the way society reacts to, and discriminates against, their disability. And this is how I feel about SA too. In today's world we're...
  5. tooshytosay

    My list of the things people talk about... and how I feel like a complete alien

    When I listen to people having their "typical" light conversations - I don't know, I just feel so disconnected, so lost. I mean I can listen to the conversations that children have (it's so "pure", lol). But when I listen to adults? Ugh. My mind kind of switches off and I say to myself, why am...
  6. tooshytosay

    Are you bad at taking your turn (knowing when to speak) in conversations?

    I've noticed that in most conversations, people are really, really good at turn-taking. That is, people seem to know exactly when to say something, without interrupting another person mid-sentence, yet allowing almost no silence to come in between them either. Now I know sometimes a person...
  7. tooshytosay

    Observing "storytelling" in conversations - realised I've never told any stories

    Observing "storytelling" in conversations - realised I've never told any stories I've been observing conversations lately, and noticed two patterns in particular: 1. Questioning and answering I guess this is the most basic form of conversation, but it is also the only type of "conversation" I...
  8. tooshytosay

    Do you wish people could just play along with your social awkwardness?

    To me this is the social vicious cycle - You are socially inexperienced, hence you're socially awkward -> People detect social awkwardness very easily, and they avoid interacting with you -> You miss out on those critical social experiences, leading to further inexperience and awkwardness...
  9. tooshytosay

    Does your SA operate at a completely "unconscious" or invisible level?

    For me anyway I feel that my SA operates at a completely "unconscious" level - i.e., I don't get all the tell-tale or obvious signs of SA like - Getting consciously "anxious" before or during a social event - Blushing / sweating / having panic attacks / shaking But I know that my SA is...
  10. tooshytosay

    Do you just not "get" how others your age socialize?

    I am 21 and honestly, the social lives of others my age are an enigma, a puzzle, a mystery to me. I just feel so alienated by the way people my age socialize. This is so much so that I have found it easier to "socialize" with 3 year olds... or 90 year olds (I'm not kidding here). I just can't...
  11. tooshytosay

    Do you hate "breaks"?

    Believe it or not, "breaks" are the worst part of any work, or any activity, for me. When someone says "alright we'll have a 20 minute break now". My mind goes "no, please not a break!!!" It's not that I don't want "rest" - sure, I won't mind that. But to me breaks = socializing, breaks =...
  12. tooshytosay

    Just becoming super-awkward if you try to be more extroverted / talk more

    This is what hurts me. Like sometimes I would really force myself to talk, force myself to be more extroverted, force myself to try to engage with people. Unfortunately most of the time such efforts backfire pretty badly. I just come across as really, really awkward. Any conversation just ends...
  13. tooshytosay

    Being the only "new" person at a social gathering

    How do you deal with this? Suppose you are the only "new" person finding yourself at a social gathering. Everyone knows eachother well, and they are all socializing with eachother flawlessly. They're having fun, chatting and laughing. You can visibly see "cliques" (or to put it nicely, groups)...
  14. tooshytosay

    What makes socializing an enjoyable / pleasurable activity for people?

    It has come to my attention recently that people actually enjoy socializing! This might sound obvious; but to me socializing has always been seen as a "chore" or a "painful activity" - something to be avoided if at all possible. So I was wondering, what is it that makes socializing an...
  15. tooshytosay

    Socialising with people "who are not your type"

    I guess this is the issue for me. For people whom I automatically "click" with, I don't really need to try anything at all. I can just be myself and everything works out fine. Unfortunately such people are so few and far in between - maybe one in a thousand. The rest seem to be people who are...