Recent content by uksam

  1. U

    Fed Up

    Being anxious, sweating, and the resulting anxiety-induced-sweating is so exhausting. I know I'm preaching to the choir, and this may not be a stimulating discussion, but I feel like I need to get it off my chest. I'm fed up with being trapped in this anxious, sweaty body. I'm fed up with the...
  2. U

    Lack of Sleep Causing anxiety/HH?

    Has anyone noticed that when they lack sleep they're more moody/anxious and as a result (?) more prone to HH? I feel like after several nights of not a lot of sleep I feel worse in the day (obviously) but recently I've noticed I tend to feel more anxious around those periods and more prone to...
  3. U

    Commuting by bicycle?

    Does anyone here have any experience commuting by bike? Its likely I'm going to have to in the next year or so and it sounds like my worst nightmare. I like cycling, although I cant go very far (though the commuting distance will be short). But on a short, 15 minute cycle I come back sweating...
  4. U, UK, Avert, Taxes

    I'm considering giving Avert a try but am in the UK. I understand that goods from outside the EU over a certain amount may be charged customs and import taxes, and just wanted to check: If the avert was over the maximum and I was charged additional taxes/duties, would I be sent a letter being...
  5. U

    Coping Mechanisms?

    From what I've read, a lot of us with HH suffer a lot from the anxiety that goes with it. I was wondering if anyone has found any coping mechanisms to maybe help reduce the anxiety that comes with sweating, in turn possibly reducing further sweating caused by the anxiety itself rather than the...
  6. U

    When did you realise you were suffering from SA?

    Everyone here recognises they suffer from some form of SA, I just wondered when it was you realised what it was and that you had it? Or to put it another way, when did you start to accept that you had a form of SA, that it was part of you and you needed to start dealing with it? Just thought it...
  7. U

    SA hindering with job applications?

    HH and the resulting SA is definitely hindering me with searching for jobs. Is anyone else in the same boat? I'm in my final year of university, good degree, top university - I've worked hard and got lucky - and everyone says that means I can get any job I want. But I feel the opposite. I keep...
  8. U

    My story - hate how much it affects everything I do...

    Hi everyone, I'd like to share my story. Its useful for me to write it out and take a step back and see how much it has affected me, but I'd also like to hear of any similarities with other hh sufferers here. I first noticed at about 14, and started wearing t-shirts under my school shirt to...