Recent content by user12053

  1. U

    How do you delete your profile?

    Need help to do it....
  2. U

    Do you ever push yourself into doing things?

    And how did it go?
  3. U

    What have you been doing the last hour?

    I'm bored, and I want to know, what you guys have been up to the last hour...
  4. U

    People don't understand what I'm saying

    about talking just curious... thats all
  5. U

    A week left to live.

    If you found out, you only had a week left to live, how would you spend that week?
  6. U


    I really didnt know this feeling had a name. I often get a spontaneous irritating feeling inside that makes me be very motorically agressive. I might hit something with my hand or make sudden moves with my legs. It's none controlable. I have a very quick feeling of anger just before it happens...
  7. U

    Any Full Tilt Poker players here?

    I love poker. So if you're on ft let's play :D
  8. U

    Are you active or lazy?

    Depression socialfobia Do you have depression caused by social fobia?
  9. U

    What do you do to make time pass duing the day?

    I use a lot of my time on my computer... I have no idea what I would do without that or the TV :eek:
  10. U

    SA on during daytime and off duing night time?? What??

    Okey, so I've noticed my SA is worse during the day. I have a wall infront of me and I cant break it down... I'm very quiet. But in the evening the wall dissapears and I feel more happy and selfconfident and that makes me want to talk... Can you relate?:confused:
  11. U

    What do you do when you get bored?

    What do you do for fun?
  12. U

    How to become popular

    What is it that makes a person popular? What do you think is his/her secret? Is it looks, being outgoing or funny? Something else? And how do they avoid themselves being sticky. I mean they gotta try getting attention all the time, right? So how do they get the balance?
  13. U

    I obviously don't have SA???

    I read a subject thats in the top ten. Some one saying those who posted pictures in the "post picture tread" and have a girlfriend/boyfriend obviously dont suffer from SA. THANK GOD!! Now I don't have SA anymore. Problem sovled! Christ, somebody indeedly doent know that there are severel types...
  14. U

    What trigged your SA?

    Do you know what started your SA? I had a situation in 4th grade where I asked my teacher a "stupid" question in class and everyone laughed at me even the teacher. Ever since that moment I've had symptomes of SA. Before that I never got nervous.
  15. U

    Picture people naked

    ... that really doesnt work for me. Do you guys have anything like that, that works for you? Let me know. I wanna try it!