mood swings


Active member
I've always had them (bad days, good days... who doesn't have them?) but lately it seems to happen more often.Or maybe I'm just noticing it more? Funnily, it seems to have coincided with somewhat of an improvement in my shyness :) (I don't want to be over optimistic,becuse then it will turn up the other way round :( ). One minute I'm starting a conversation and talking to someone in a strangely open way for me, the next I'm completely shut up back in my self, feeling bad.I don't know,it's like it comes in bursts.


Active member
hmmm... 'somewhat of an improvement'

I knew it couldn't last long (and it didn't).


i was on lexapro for about a month and it did nothing for me. do u notice any difference? did the doctor say its suppose to take time to kick in?