My Journey on the Universal Path of Vipassana Meditation


Well-known member
please ignore if not interested. This is only for information purpose.

Interestingly it took some time for me to understand that the purpose of this technique is to change and train the behavior pattern of the subconscious mind, not to blindly react towards what is unwanted or undesirable with ‘aversion’, and not to blindly react towards what is wanted or desirable with ‘craving’. But to observe the changing and impermanent phenomenon of mind and body through the help of respiration and sensations, and come out of ‘attachment’ to this ever changing phenomenon, because attachment and suffering are two sides of the same coin. Anything that we are attached to, sooner or later will end or pass away, and when it ends we are going to miss it and this separation will bring nothing but misery. This is how we keep reacting day and night, throughout the life.

Vipassana Research Institute


Well-known member
Aversion as a Form of Attachment is both anger and fear.

Interesting that you post this now. Aversion is, I now believe one of my main sources of suffering. I'm about to listen to a podcast on this subject.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa
Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the fully Enlightened One