Need advice on stepping out comfort zone

Have anyone heard of Toastmasters before? Now I am still hesitating to join the toastmasters club in my college because I am not sure whether it is suitable for me or not. I get extremely nervous to speak in front of a crowd. Sometimes I think I am just having trauma because there was once I was giving a speech in front of the whole class and I was super nervous till I was trembling like crazy. I don't know whether joining this club will help my situation or just make things worse. I know I am that kind of person who is extremely shy and timid, but sometimes I feel like I need to do something about it because fear is standing in my way to enjoy life. Sometimes I am envy of those who can act really calm and confident in front of people, because I just get nervous around people.
Does anyone joined a toastmasters club before?
This is my first week in college and I think maybe it's time for me to step out my comfort zone. Today I went for audition for the talent night but things did not go well. Basically my nerves ruined everything.


Well-known member
Both my brother and sister did Toastmasters. I've been to a meeting or two and I would also have done it if it wasn't so expensive and far away.

From what I've seen it is super supportive. The people who join Toastmasters are all there because they needed to improve and will understand if you are very nervous.

The program is worked out with novices in mind, you will get feedback, and you will be allowed to go at your own pace.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Obviously you need to step out of your comfort zone to get better. It's the only way to grow. The key, however, is to do it in calculated steps. Don't throw yourself immediately into a situation that, on a scale from 1 to 10, gives you an anxiety of 10. I think that's a way to discourage and overwhelm yourself too much.

So, really, this is for you to judge. If toastmasters is a 10 rating on the anxiety scale, then I wouldn't do it yet. YET. You should make that a future goal, but for now, find other ways to step out of your comfort zone. A good, and less challenging way, for example, is to SPEAK UP more in your classes. When a teacher asks the class a question, be the one to answer it in front of everyone. This is less challenging than giving a speech in front of a whole group of people for 5-10 minutes, but I bet it still will make you quite anxious. Or, if you want to go with something a little less challenging, start sitting in the front of the class, not the back. This might even make you anxious because everyone sees you and your close to the teacher.

Also, if you game at all, buy a headset and talk more to people in the game. Say weird sh##. Whatever. This can definitely help you improve your social skills, even though it's over a game, you still talk to people.
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