Need advice - want to move

Moving out of home and being independent from parents is an important step in life, so, yes, good thing to do but also the expenses can be a shock. Find out if the rent would be fairly average for where you are and think about other costs eg. food. If you think you can make it work then do it


Well-known member
See if you can convince them to allow it on a 'trial' basis. To better understand what things will be like later, when you 'permanently' move on from where you are.

Reinforce that you can always come back if it's too hard, or stressful, etc.

The best way to make them see the light is to just wonder about it out loud. Plant the suggestion over and over. Just quick little hit-and-run tactics that'll get them to consider the possibility.

And, hey, if that fails, you can always yell and scream, then just storm off and do what you want.

Just make sure that, on your way out, to say that you're joining a Satanic cult. That way, when they find out later that you're just living a normal life, then they'll feel relieved. :p


Well-known member

The only thing you should do is ask your parents if you may move back if things do not work out. It will make them feel wanted.

Your job is to make sure it doesn't happen.