Never taken seriously


Well-known member
I don't know if a lot of people experience this problem with others (I assume not though), but anytime when I'm doing/saying anything, people will have a tendency to laugh or mock me. It could be whether I get truly angry over something, if I cry, my voice, or me just being clumsy (which isn't intentional). Whenever I have serious problems I need to vent out, some people will find amusement out of it and make fun of my situation. I don't get why they're always treating me as if I'm less than a human. In fact, I'll probably never have any idea what makes them act that way torwards me. Unless maybe I naturally attract ignorant, shitty people.

I mean not everyone is like that torwards me, but I just wish I could do/say something and actually have people take it into more serious consideration without laughing at me and thinking that I'm just being cutesy/weird or that my problems mean nothing. I have some serious depression going on and it doesn't help that others are going to take everything that I say/do lightly.


Well-known member

Sorry to hear that. Whenever I'm trying to listen to someone who's talking about problems or worries, I sometimes have a tendency to joke around a bit. Perhaps it's a bit of a defense mechanism for me, or some weird way of lightening the mood. Maybe it's something similar for your friends, but I really don't know.

If you ever need to vent, I'm willing to listen. I'll do my best not to crack any jokes. :D


Well-known member
I just threw some stuff around and broke something (of mine) to get someone to listen to me. Why is having to do that the only way for people to listen to me?

I never feel like anyone takes me seriously unless I get really ugly and angry.

It is part my fault because it takes a lot to get me upset, and I usually am pretty mellow. I don't like to show my emotions so people will sometimes egg me on and even then I know it's happening so I ignore them. I am stubborn as hell.

People making fun of my emotions would not go over well for them. I can be really mean if forced into a corner. I will go for blood haha :p
Most all of the time I am easy peasy.


Well-known member
I have the same issue and it just translated into me having low self esteem. If i were you i would maybe try to just filter those people out of the life and not take it too seriously.


Well-known member
I see what your saying, but I never get taken serious because of my monotone voice unfortunately. That just leads to me getting frustrated at myself.


I think if your friends don't take your seriously then those are not real friends. Often people whit social anxiety have problem changing their environment.


I get what you mean. When I'm in a group and talk(very rare) I often don't get taken serious. I think I have good ideas about a new project, but they always say I should be not thinking about this and do my own work, which is really frustrating, because I really have to force myself to even talk to begin with.