New found way to naturally overcome anxiety?


Well-known member
I found that weird thing of late. It's strange, I've never read or heard anything about this except maybe some vague reference from some oriental religions. It's like I could physically kill anxiety and induce myself with excitement just using my will. It's natural and controllable just like breathing. It's like I could consciously control something inside my chest that fills it with warmth, that makes my heart beat faster and that makes me all excited over nothing.

I noticed that when I'm anxious my voice change and I get a similar warmth with the opposite effects. I decided to try out that "new thing", and went down to talk to some guy about a job interview, I didn't flinch, I didn't unwillingly change my voice, I didn't even review what I wanted to talk about before I met him. I felt like I was ready to say and do anything.

I think that with some practice I could use this "thing" to make myself do any crazy things I would want to do, but that I would never dare do.


Well-known member
Here's another 2 things I've found to reduce anxiety.

I can focus on the inside of my brain and feel my eyes open wide and I instantly feel more relaxed.

I can also very slowly and gently caress my hands and wrists, it's amazing how such a trivial act feels like. Those are such sensitive spots. It feels just as good as it is silly, and they say a slap on the wrist doesn't hurt you, those soulless bastards.


Very true, about caressing hands and wrists
however with social anxiety
i find it awkward to do that in front of someone
but when im alone
and freaking out
it helps.


Active member
I dont know what you're referring to, but I use something similar to that.

Autogenic Training

Its a way to take ur breathing and heart rate off auto-pilot, control them and change your state of awareness, you can really calm down and even get a little buzz on too if you breathe the right way. Its crazy, and after it becomes habitual it gets easier to slip in and out of those "modes" .