Not sure what to prioritize first


Well-known member
Hi people :)

I wanna seek advise about something.

I desire making some friends and also be in a relationship.

(I have no friends now and also never went for dating before.)

But you know with having social anxiety its a really big challenge.

I mean you will try avoiding crowded places and also be self-conscious around your friend/date so it won't be that good.

So, do you think that it is better for me not to concentrate finding friends/dates for now?
And rather focus on overcoming my social anxiety first?


Well-known member
I would concentrate on overcoming social anxiety and making friends first. Then move on to dating. The exposure of being in crowds constantly would be good practice. And maybe you'll make some friends and meet potential dates in the process. Putting yourself out there will help in all phases. Sitting home won't.


Well-known member
One thing you have to consider is that if you get a boyfriend/girlfriend, and considering the absence of friends, you'll want to spend most of your time with him/her, and if he/she has quite a few friends, it's likely that he/she'll split their time between you and them, which can make you feel neglected.

Your priorities should be:

1. Yourself, your well-being, your progress
2. Getting busy (job, volunteer work, helping out around the house and learning new activities/hobbies), and becoming better at socializing.
3. Friends
4. Relationships


definetly friends before looking for a might be suprised at how much difference it makes to have people to vouch for you/put in the good word for can even be kind of a idiot but if you have friends to say that you're a good guy then it doesnt even matter....but of course, the same thing goes vice versa so make sure you pick the right kinds of people to be your friends....the kinds of people who wont drag your name through the dirt every chance they get -_-......anyway, now im just rambling I guess.
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Well-known member
I've always been conflicted about being in a relationship. I've pretty much always been single, I like a lot of the aspects of being single, but nearly all of my friends are married (except one) so I feel like I'm in a huge rut and don't know what to do


Well-known member
You don't have to be married just because they are. Enjoy being single, and wait until you've found stability (financial, emotional stability, etc) to seek someone, not to save you, but to complement you.