Opposite of Anxiety- warm, good feeling?


Well-known member
Has anyone else experienced this sensation? It's nothing dirty nor crude, nor do I think it's love or lust.

Instead it's this tingling, good feeling. You feel warm, slightly lightheaded and heavy... but in a postive way, and lasts for a few minutes. It very rarely occurs sadly! This happens when someone goes out the way to explain things to me, shows a very keen interest in me or wants me to show something. As if they have their devoted attention and they genuinely want to help.

I reguarly feel alone, so maybe this attention makes me feel happy! Has anyone else experience what I call the opposite of anxiety?


Well-known member
I have.
I would describe it as a feeling of well being, inner peace and clear thinking. The ability to tackle regular problems without undo stress, the capacity to feel joy, the ability to relax.
Even though I think not having anxiety can lead to joy, it's not joy in it'self, it's better described (for me) as a lack of fear and the feeling of having everything under my control- in control, and accepting and trusting others to control what is their place to control.
Trusting and being open to love also goes hand in hand as when there is no fear, this automatically happens.


Well-known member
which makes me believe that brain chemistry causes anxiety and depression.

I've been reading today about how when people have a parasite infestation the toxins released by them can cause anxiety and depression among other symptoms like insomnia etc. I am interested in looking deeper into this. I agree that chemicals could play a role, but how did the chemicals get thrown off in the first place? I am not ready to say that there isn't a possibility that more isn't at play, including diet and physical tangible causes. My anxiety seems somewhat linked to my stomach issues, so I will definitely be doing more research.


Well-known member
OP: I believe what you're describing is the warm, pleasant sense of self worth that comes from being appreciated as a human being worthy of another person's time and attention. It's a feeling similar to that of love or being loved, but it lacks that degree of emotional intensity.

I have experienced it many times over the years, courtesy of various teachers and mentors—even complete strangers now and then—but sadly, it is something that has been absent from my life for some time now. That's all too often the case for those of us who suffer from SA.

I'm not sure I would call it the opposite of anxiety. That would be confidence, which stands on its own and needs no external validation.
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Well-known member
Head buzzing with belief and infinite possibility. I believe I can beat this, and the world opens up for me, and it feels great to be alive.


Well-known member
I've been thinking for a while now that even though our post modern society insists that we must be self sufficient and really into self esteem and all self all the time, external HUMAN VALIDATION IS VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT for mental health.

And I think this is what the OP is describing.

It could even be said that all the Facebook grandstanding and selfies are nothing more than a fruitless cry for the external validation that the human psyche craves so much.

Someday we may realize that we are not islands.

And this is coming from a self described misanthrope!