Pet Peeves!

^ The laying down and having to pee is pretty annoying. One that is in the same vein, is when you find the perfect pose, and then for no reason everything starts itching.
Pet Peeve; chatrooms/annoymous chat programs.

Me: - ''Hello there, X. How are you?''
Chat: ''asl.''
Me: - ''What?''
Chat: ''Age, sex, location.''
Me: - ''Uhm, I'm a guy, if that's what you're asking.''
Chat: ''X has left the chat.''


Well-known member
^ The laying down and having to pee is pretty annoying. One that is in the same vein, is when you find the perfect pose, and then for no reason everything starts itching.

Yes! This happens to me too. Or, if you are right about to fall asleep, and are all nice and warm, and suddenly you realize you're thirsty. You try to ignore it, and all you can think about is water. But you WEREN'T thirsty two min ago.

That just happened to me.


Well-known member
Pet Peeve; chatrooms/annoymous chat programs.

Me: - ''Hello there, X. How are you?''
Chat: ''asl.''
Me: - ''What?''
Chat: ''Age, sex, location.''
Me: - ''Uhm, I'm a guy, if that's what you're asking.''
Chat: ''X has left the chat.''

Now that is just rude.

Similarly, when that know you're a woman... And want a naked picture.

Such as that.


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Well-known member
Women in the media that can make real women feel inadequate- esp when the makes around them envy them.


Well-known member
^ yeah. At that point you just have to laugh.

But the few creeps font ruin it for me. I had a long conversation with a lady about two months ago... For about five hours. About everything from cooking and recipes to our love for Star Trek. So, you never know... It was nice to have that.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
^ The laying down and having to pee is pretty annoying...

Guys, (and I do mean guys) check it out...


The very definition of luxury.


in a VAN down by the RIVER


I feel both pride and disgust for humanity today.

...Well, I guess girls could use it too if they aim up and really squeeze it out there.


It's really meant for bedridden patients. My grandpa had to use one when he had his knees replaced.
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Well-known member
  • When my glasses fog up sometimes if I eat hot soup or hot cocoa
  • Accidentally stepping in something wet when I'm wearing socks
  • When some people act insulted and give me dirty looks when I say excuse me to them if they were blocking my way
  • Leather couches
  • Leather couches (this deserves a second bullet)
Americanisms that creep into the language such as pronouncing debut as "day-boo" instead of "day-byou"

Interchanging bought and brought - even the ABC can't get this one right anymore



Well-known member
Americanisms that creep into the language such as pronouncing debut as "day-boo" instead of "day-byou"

Day-boo?? Nothing American about that, my friend. :no:

We pronounce—and spell—our words correctly.*

*Excluding, of course, the illiterate rabble that constitutes 90% of the internet-using public. We don't count them.
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