Problem with chatting online


New member
I don't really have a problem with chatting online with people I know in real life, but when it come to chatting with strangers or just leaving a message on a pic site I have trouble with it. I take forever thinking of what to write and how they might take it and all this other dumb stuff. Yet its ONLINE. Geez. Anyone else like this? How do I get over it.

Like for example on a site somone wrote "popped ur cherry for ya baby. happy banging" or whatever. And I'm sitting there thinking of how I should respond. I haven't yet btw.


Well-known member
I'm shit online. I have alot of nervous energy which can't be suitable expressed via shitty curry stained keyboards. I need to ramble, I exist off my surroundings. If that makes any sense. Which usually I don't. Ho hum.


I know what you mean how tough it is to think of what to say. I seem to think too much before writing, and I want it all to be perfect. I tend to have a hard time writing papers because of this and they take me a long time to finish.


Active member
palenikana said:
I know what you mean how tough it is to think of what to say. I seem to think too much before writing, and I want it all to be perfect. I tend to have a hard time writing papers because of this and they take me a long time to finish.

Now I've got used to being on forums I'm ok but I do check what I've put first before submitting a post, I use preview a lot :wink:


Well-known member
I can usually think of a reply pretty quick, but I suck at starting conversations. I always feel like I'm bothering the person, so I end up only talking to them if they talk to me first.


Well-known member
put something carcastic or sumthin like 'cheers's babe,hate being a *woteve it was* virgin :wink: . sounds lame, but hey so was the original comment


Well-known member
In my drunken haze I missed the bit about what the person online said. Here is what I would say:

To myself: "What the fuck am I doing wasting my time to a moron like this?"

Why are you worried about responding to this person? Go talk to someone with a few brain cells. Maybe you'll find you can relate better to people who aren't dickheads.


Well-known member
My problem with chatting online is that without facial cues and tone of voice things like sarcasm don't translate well. People can't tell when I'm joking, or someone will say something really awkward and I have no idea to respond. When I finally do they say "I was just JK". -____-

Even worse is when someone takes something you said in the wrong way. Either they think it was hurtful, or cold when really you were going for the opposite effect.


Well-known member
I'm not really nervous with online but I do with people I know in real life. But the thinking of how the other would interpretate it is always there. Sometimes I need some time too to find a good answer.
My problem with chatting online is that without facial cues and tone of voice things like sarcasm don't translate well. People can't tell when I'm joking, or someone will say something really awkward and I have no idea to respond. When I finally do they say "I was just JK". -____-

Even worse is when someone takes something you said in the wrong way. Either they think it was hurtful, or cold when really you were going for the opposite effect.

I really relate to what you've said here.


Well-known member
I usually like to enter chats and just see people talking,also doesnt help that I have to think fast in another language,I am not really good at expressing myself already,now you add that its in another language........


Well-known member
Yeah! I don't talk to anyone at all online cause I can never think of anything to say. I have the same problem text messaging. It takes me forever, and when I do say something it's weird and formal and doesn't sound so good. Often I'll just ignore people and lie about why I did. My mind seems to be blank when I try to think of things to say. Same with papers I write. It used to be that when I'd write, it was good because of the way that I wrote them. now I'm obsessed with perfect wording and large vocabulary words and my papers are actually worse.