Search results

  1. Grah

    Advice please :)

    I'm 20 and growing up through puberty I had "moobs" that never left which is one of the things that made me develop social anxiety as I felt I was always being judged and what not, but I have a girlfriend now and been with her for 5 months but I can't even take my top off, even during sex. She...
  2. Grah

    First ever date

    Since I signed upto SPW I have come a long way my first problem I needed help with was telling my mum I had SA which you helped me with now i'm going for my first date. I'm a 19 year old living in England and need help with where I should go and things I should be saying she doesn't know I...
  3. Grah

    Need some help/advice please

    Since December 2009 I was diagnosed with a Social Anxiety disorder, I was planning to tell my mum at the beginning of the New Year but I just can't bring anything up in conversation about my anxiety to tell her or anybody else, apart from people I speak to online. It's now nearly April and I'm...