Search results

  1. jesushelpme

    Help with neighbours

    I cant cope with other people lol grrrrr, they let there kids cause havoc on the estate , i cant have peace and quiet and i had something happen which to others might think its nothing but to me it disturbed me. kids knocking my door , i answered it, i was feeling brave so my medication must of...
  2. jesushelpme

    Cloipramine and Propranalol

    Can someone please tell me if they have had any experience with these medications, i have been on them a week now and im feeling really funky, it feels like a panic attack sensation when ive taken the pills and it lasts until ive had a lot to eat and drink, that seems to help the sensation pass...
  3. jesushelpme

    Do you trust yourself?

    I have been finding out why i dont want to have friends and why i cant have friends and i think ive found the answer...TRUST...not so much me not trusting them ( i dont really trust people anymore anyway) but that i dont trust myself to be able to handle a situation i am in. got a...
  4. jesushelpme

    Do you keep your curtains closed all day plus night

    :eek: The thought of having my curtains open makes me really anxious and agitated. Anyone else have this problem if so what does it make you feel like, i will go into more details when others have replied so i can compare x::p: