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  1. W

    I am terrified

    I have all these racing thoughts now...what if I can't find work, what if we get further into debt, what if my husband doesn't get the house he wants, what if he resents me for that and leaves me? I am so seized by fear right now I can't move. I know that you are supposed to do some type of...
  2. W

    Dealing with an unsupportive spouse HELP!!!

    I talked to a friend of mine today who has bi-polar disorder and has had to leave jobs bc of it and had panic attacks and the whole nine yards. She made me see a lot of things about my marriage that may have been making my anxiety worse. My husband is gung ho about building a house. Which for...
  3. W

    I couldn't start my new job

    I couldn't do it. I had all intentions of going in but couldn't make myself do it. I am so terrified of the hyperhidrosis and all the anxiety that I called and quit before I even started. :cry: I didn't really like this career anyway and wanted to get out. But now my husband says he's...
  4. W

    I think about killing myself a lot lately

    And I don't want to. I have a husband I love, we're building a house, I love my family. I have everything to live for but it seems my anxiety keeps getting worse all the time. I'm afraid it will get to the point where I am so debilitated that I won't be able to work and we'll lose everything...
  5. W

    Sometimes I feel like I can't live anymore

    I don't know what happened to me. In college I was so confident and had faith in my intelligence and knew I could do anything. Now at 35, I feel like a failure who can't do anything. My anxiety is taking over my life. I can't even function at work. Plus I have hyperhidrosis, so I could start...