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  1. jesuszavala13

    Do you use your cellphone very regularly?

    because of SP i rarely send anyone an SMS or call (i only call my parents). when i didnt have SP i used to send messages for lots of reasons but now i only do it if i really have to do it for something and i always think the other persons gonna find it weird because i hardly ever send them...
  2. jesuszavala13

    What should we live for?

    I know I'm living to beat this and have a normal life, but you know how it works, the more we want it, the more we don't get it, because we think about it too much and we're too aware. The key to our problems would be to be living for something else, to have something else making us wake up...
  3. jesuszavala13

    Do you mumble a lot or speak too low?

    I notice many times I talk to people I don't feel comfortable with with a very low voice (because I don't want to speak too loud for everyone to listen) and a weaker tone and it's like I eat words in a weird way, and then people don't undertand what I say lots of times. Do you have this too?
  4. jesuszavala13

    Is anyone here good as sports but has the same problem as me

    I play tennis and football(soccer). And I think I'm truly awesome at both these sports. Still, I'm average and sometimes bad. It's clearly because of this fucking shit I've been having for 4 years, I'm always anxious when I'm with anyone I didn't know when I started having real...