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  1. jiujitsu


    I'm a United States Marine. I'm 24 years old and I'm in the infantry. I won't say which unit. I'm a Lance Corporal. I've been on a combat deployment to Afghanistan. I was there for 8 months in 2008. I have Social Anxiety. I didn't really want to tell anyone here that I was a Marine when I...
  2. jiujitsu

    Promoted team leader. For now, anyway. Basically, me and a handful of others are acting team leaders until the actual ones get back from school in a month or so. I'm one of you. So, you can imagine how I feel about it. I can't walk away or say no I won't do it. I got selected because I do...
  3. jiujitsu


    Hey, I was wondering about something. When someone greets me and asks me what's been going on I usually reply like this: "Uhhhhh, fine I guess." Which is essentially me taking a moment(uhhhhh) to figure out if I should tell the truth or not and then I finally decide to just pretend I'm fine...
  4. jiujitsu

    Work Tomorrow

    Vacation's over. Back to work tomorrow. I've felt more relaxed over the holidays. Now, I can already feel the restlessness building. I'm a nervous wreck at nearly all times during the work week and on Sundays. I want to crawl into a cave somewhere.