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  1. T

    Overactive Thyroid & Caffeine

    (The two things in the title aren't connected by the way!) I was reading a couple of threads on about the effects of caffeine on the body. What got me thinking was it actually increases production of the stress hormone. So, as a previously avid drinker of coffee, I figured I'd...
  2. T

    'Progressive' HH

    By this, I mean that it begins in one place, and slowly spreads to other areas of the body. Not in weeks or months, but years. Has anyone experienced this? Mine began in the early teens in my hands, then to my armpits, feet, and more recently (within the last few months) to my back and ass! The...
  3. T

    hey guys

    not sure what this is, it'll probably just end up being my life story haha i've had hyperhidrosis in my hands since i can remember, then when i was in my teens it spread to my armpits and then feet (but mildly). needless to say, it probably shaped the way i've lived my life. my social life...