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  1. A

    an example of my problems frmo today

    First off, I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this so if it needs moving that's cool :cool: This earlier was a typical example of me though, does anybody else ever get like this? Our virgin tv box broke yesterday so we had someone round to look at it. He came in and I told him the...
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    new here....missing out on life

    Hey, i am new to this site, and am just posting an intro type thing. i just posted on the blushing one too Just quickly, I am 24, and have low confidence and am so shy it cripples me in some situations. I get invited places but i back out at the last minute because I would rather stay home where...
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    new here

    Well hi everyone Like the title says I am new to this whole site, and I'm so amazed to find a place where there are people like me........I can post in a few of these forums as i have some issues. It's so nice to know i am not the only one like this, i feel like the only person who isn't a 12...