Search results

  1. lilmutegirl

    Are you fragile?

    I think a good way to describe me would be "fragile." Lately, several little stressors have built up at work, and I feel like crying a lot. I feel as though I am letting people down, and, in fact, worry that the people I manage are losing trust/faith in me. I know this will likely be...
  2. lilmutegirl

    Work Lunches

    Recently, I have gone to lunch with some colleagues. The first time, there were 5 of us (all in the same position, all female). It was an okay experience, except I felt like I couldn't contribute much to the conversation. I have decent, if distant, relationships with 3 of the other 4. The fourth...
  3. lilmutegirl

    Do people want to be friends with you?

    I have posted before about my lack of/awkward friendships. Recently, at work, someone (whom I used to supervise, actually) talked to me and told me he was telling me as a friend. This person has a history of not trusting managers, but it appears clear that he does trust me. I know he has a lot...
  4. lilmutegirl


    I had a realization recently: I don't trust very well. I have begun questioning other people's motives, and have never trusted myself (my opinions, instincts, memories, etc.). I've been conditioned to believe that what I have to contribute to conversations doesn't matter, even if it is a...
  5. lilmutegirl


    I found a couple of other threads that address how people receive compliments (there may be more, but I didn't go through the whole list):
  6. lilmutegirl

    Bully at Work

    I've worked at an organization for nearly a decade, and have been in my current role for about 3.5 years. Someone who was basically my mentor when I was promoted has recently sent a series of emails (to groups of people-all of us peers, sometimes including managers above us) expressing how she...
  7. lilmutegirl

    Relationships Ease Anxiety?

    I recently (2 days ago) accepted a temporary position at work that could become permanent, if I were interested. So, over the past couple of days, while working from home, I have been going back and forth about what I wanted to do. Ultimately, I made the decision I expected, but I had been kind...
  8. lilmutegirl


    I intend to try to start journaling on a regular basis, but I have trouble free-writing, so I'd like prompts to focus on. Do you have any prompts that you find particularly helpful?
  9. lilmutegirl

    Changes at work

    I am in a management position at work, and my position is split into 2 groups (we have the same title, but there are 2 separate work groups to supervise at a variety of locations, so there are currently 16 of us-4 supervising group A and 12 supervising group B-I am one of the managers over group...
  10. lilmutegirl

    Imposter Syndrome/Past Mistakes

    I haven't been on here for some time, because I have actually felt a lot better over the past few years. Somehow, my baseline anxiety has almost disappeared (I used to be anxious all the time, regardless of what was happening-I could even be alone in a room and would either ruminate on things...
  11. lilmutegirl

    New Situations Discomfort

    I'm sure many of you can relate to this: I avoid situations which are unfamiliar because I don't know the proper protocol, or am afraid of being ill-prepared. Currently, there are a couple of things I would like to do, but have been trying to get up the nerve. First, I would like to take some...
  12. lilmutegirl

    Phone interview

    In about 30 minutes, I have a phone interview. Four people (all of whom I know) will be on the interview, and I am so nervous I am shaking and feel like crying. There are four positions available and 12 phone interviews, so 1/3 of the people being interviewed will likely get the job, which means...
  13. lilmutegirl

    Short-term high anxiety

    So, I am almost done with my master's degree (less than a month to go!), and I am freaking out that I will mess something up. Every time I turn in an assignment (for the past 2 years), I assume I did it wrong. I am also planning on applying for a promotion (since I will have the educational...
  14. lilmutegirl

    Weirdness around opposite sex

    So, I've always preferred the company of females to males (I am female, so I guess I'm somewhat more comfortable around other non-males). I also have had some negative experiences with males (some very negative, others just uncomfortable). I have had two very bad relationships, and one of my...
  15. lilmutegirl

    Anxiety Affecting Productivity

    How much does you anxiety prevent you from being productive? Sometimes, I persevere and get things done (which makes me feel better), but, quite often, I have intentions of doing something, but circumstances (or just my own fears) cause me to delay, or not take steps to complete my task. Right...
  16. lilmutegirl

    Weirdness around opposite sex

    So, I've always preferred the company of females to males (I am female, so I guess I'm somewhat more comfortable around other non-males). I also have had some negative experiences with males (some very negative, others just uncomfortable). I have had two very bad relationships, and one of my...
  17. lilmutegirl

    Full-time job possibility

    So, I currently work two part-time jobs and am in a master's degree program. I haven't had a full-time job since I was 18 (17 years ago). I keep seeing people in my life getting full-time jobs. One of my co-workers/friends just informed me that she pretty much has a position in the bag. I'm...
  18. lilmutegirl


    This evening, I went out with some people from a committee I am am on at work (we all work at different locations, so we only see each other at our monthly meetings). I didn't talk much, but I was really excited to go, had a great time, and was remarkably comfortable. Some of the people I work...
  19. lilmutegirl

    Constantly Feeling Like I've Screwed Up

    So, pretty much on a daily basis, I am worried that I'm doing something wrong (at work, at school, while driving, even at home). This is particularly difficult with work and school, since I am given tasks/assignments which I have to complete, and will be evaluated in some form. With almost every...
  20. lilmutegirl

    Vent about class

    So, we had a group project in class. Five members per group. We decided that two of us would collaborate on one part, and two on another part, with the fifth person basically keeping us on task. Then we each contributed to the overall project. Well, two of the people who were supposed to work...