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  1. ShyChild

    Alone for 4th of July?

    Can't decide which is worse: Being home all alone & having to listen to neighbors having a good ole time Or Driving 6 hours all together just to visit family & feel chasticized about recent 20 lb weight gain
  2. ShyChild

    Stigmatization issues for singles?

    So I went out to lunch earlier to challenge myself/SA. Ate on the patio & picked out a nice spot to get some sun light. A couple with 2 kids comes by looking for a spot then leave for restaurant across the street. They come back & make the comment (sarcastically) 'Oh look at the nice little...
  3. ShyChild

    Treatment for bitterness?

    I'm so tired of trying to fight this. It feels like there is just no way out & this is how it's always going to be. Since my early teens, I've done everything to get better- meds, therapy, rehab, yoga, you name it. Sometime I feel better & it seems like I'm progressing then BAM right back to...