Search results

  1. cowboyup

    tips and tricks anyone?

    Any tips or tricks that you've learned over the years that make your life (or work, relationship, etc.) helpful? I am currently working as a housekeeper in a clinic/hospital setting and it's all new to me and was observing other housekeepers who've been doing it for years and how fast and...
  2. cowboyup

    One year anniversary

    It's been a year now since I moved. I still feel resentment and anger towards those who were close to me. Sometimes I want to just be forgotten - like I never existed. That sounds horrible, I know, but it's exactly how I feel at times. We all have our good, bad and ugly days, but since I...
  3. cowboyup

    So, here's an update on my 'new' life....

    Since moving, I got a job - perfect for those with social anxiety - I work the 2nd shift at a hospital so an hour upon arriving at work, most people are gone for the day. That means I get to do my work with little to no interruptions! Yay. The pay is decent. Another Yay. It's close to the house...
  4. cowboyup

    Do you believe in "luck" or is it a mindset?

    Someone I know (from an in-law) seems to be a walking, talking lucky duck. He can go buy a scratcher ticket for a dollar and come out with 5 dollars. He goes to the casino with 100. dollars and goes home with 1200.00. You get the picture. Anyhow, I am curious to see how you guys feel about...
  5. cowboyup

    Career Building Job?

    My sister is an AmeriCorps volunteer (paid volunteer) and her contract ends in June. She's looking for work but she's looking for a 'career building' position. I get that-I understand. Her husband says not to apply for any job that is not 'career building.' We were at a grocery store the other...
  6. cowboyup

    I got a job & lots of changes

    So, if any of you are familiar with my situation, getting a job is a big...a HUGE step!! To recap: I was a live-in nanny for my brother and SIL for about 8 years and then my brother divorced and remarried. I stayed with SIL and the kids to help her. Well, things got so messed up that I ended up...
  7. cowboyup

    Off Topic: Can anyone help me w/Quickbooks

    I recently got offered some part-time work and part of it involves using Quickbooks. They are willing to "be patient" with me as I learn it. My question is this: Any way to import e-receipts from gmail to Quickbooks (for expenses a business) without having to go through 400+ emails and writing...
  8. cowboyup

    Up and running in new town..

    Well, sort of. I hit a patch of ice/snow and my car spun out of control until I pulled the emergency brake and then my brakes failed (need new solenoid) and THAT was scary!! But I avoided hitting anyone or cars, so that was a good outcome. It happened about a week after arriving here in WA...
  9. cowboyup

    this thing called life

    1) had to move due to 'family matters' 2) moved in with sister in another state 3) her hubby plays video games, smokes weed and drinks all the time 4) they want me to get on food stamps to add to theirs 5) I cried filling the dog's water bowl thinking, "I hope the (ex)SIL is feeding the...
  10. cowboyup

    I got kicked out /I'm heart broken.

    I'm crushed, my heart hurts. I won't go into details - but &*%$ hit the fan about some things and when was all said and done, they want me out Brother and SIL). I love my nephew and niece to pieces (I've watched them since birth). All I can say is that things happen for a reason and perhaps...
  11. cowboyup

    Family acting odd towards me?

    My family has been acting strange around me. OK....I get that I've been living here for quite a few years, but I have saved them money by watching the kids and cooking, cleaning, etc., I clean up after myself, I don't eat a couple months back my sister asked our dad if he could help...
  12. cowboyup

    check your credit report, folks!!

    Red flag 1 for me: My sister contacted dad. He was trying to get a new car and found evidence of credit fraud - the weird and bad of that (other than obvious) is that it was pointing to MY address. He lives in another state.... Red flag 2: I applied for a part-time job and they had to run a...
  13. cowboyup

    Dealing w/irritability,migraines & family.

    Hi, I've been having issues lately regarding my grandmother (93 yrs old) and she tends to cut me down while praising other family members, like "you used to be so pretty and smart, I wonder what happened" Ok, I understand she's elderly and I love her dearly but it's been spilling into other...
  14. cowboyup

    What to do when you invite yourself...

    I made a big faux pas. My (ex)SIL said she was taking the kids to the airshow but did not invite me...she usually does but has not been speaking to me nor inviting me anywhere...anyhow, I got excited cuz it's time out of the house and these 4 walls and time with my nephew and niece to watch...
  15. cowboyup

    disregarded at home/how to handle it

    Or feeling like it - or rather, my social anxiety is over thinking the whole d**n thing. So here's the story: I have posted a lot about my SIL (sister in law) here in the past....a yin/yang kinda thing with her I guess....Anyhow, we were visiting her father over the summer and he takes me aside...
  16. cowboyup

    Missed the turn/obsessed with worry

    Hi everyone! Here's what happened; it's not 'life shattering' and we've all been there however, with my lovely anxiety and panic attacks I am worrying obsessively and feel like a complete fool and embarrassed. My brother and his wife invited me to my niece's birthday party - not many people...
  17. cowboyup

    Anxious about text received

    An old friend of mine is in town for BlackHat. I got a text from him saying he'd like to see me before leaving town. He told me late night would be better and the hotel he's at. Here's the deal: he's getting married in a month!! We have been friends for about 10 years & I know what he wants...
  18. cowboyup

    Dealing with manipulative people

    My SIL recently told me she manipulates people & situations and enjoys it. I live with her (part of the deal when she and my brother divorced & I watch the kids) anyhow, she's called me an 'omega' female while she is the 'alpha' female. She does lessons with school children about anti-bullying...
  19. cowboyup

    Crying and release for panic attack

    When I am highly agitated, anxious or experiencing full out panic attack, sometimes I find just crying it out seems to help some. I mean, sure I could reach for medicine but sometimes a good ole cry-fest helps. Has anyone else have this experience? Or does something different, like going for...
  20. cowboyup

    Post what you cannot say

    please stop talking in that sing-song-baby voice. You're a grown up! Talk like one!!