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  1. E

    Can sunlight ruin eye sight...

    heh, it's perfectly normal and it happens to everyone. What will damage your eye sight is spending hours and hours on the computer like I have.
  2. E

    I hate females

    Thats basically all I can say without getting banned again.
  3. E

    Yea ah....

    People don't like me, and it's not cause im a dick. What should I do?
  4. E

    Pissed off.

    I was just thinking today as the asshole at the computer lab finished updating his myspace profile before handing me back my ID,. his only fucking job! I mean, I have to unload trucks all fucking day for minimum wage and this fucker has one job, hand back school I.D.'s and still he takes his...
  5. E

    Sudden loss of imagination

    I couldn't decide where to write this, so I chose depression. I was just wondering if anyone else had this sudden loss of imagination in their late teens or so? I mean I use to live for my day dreams, not sure what happened.
  6. E

    Rejected again today

    Just to let you know I was rejected once again, this time by a 26 year old who is rounding the decade mark on being in college. Falcon, you are wrong, you do have something to lose, your pride. Oh wait, I got rejected twice today, thats right. Felt more like a job interview than a conversation...
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    I've been a jerk

    sry for anyone I've pissed off, it was nothing personal. :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm just a stupid asshole. Please feel free to use this thread to regain any lost pride....
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    Whats your porn star name???? Name of First pet + First Street you ever lived on. ex. Frisky Hamilton now go!
  9. E

    Back to work tommorrow

    Well I've been out of work for a whole while. And since I lost a bunch of money on my investment in atari(don't ask, I suck at trading), I'll be going to work at Meijer(like Wal Mart). I know, pretty pathetic for someone to be working there at 20, but I gotta start somewhere. Anyways, I'm...
  10. E

    Addicted to message boards

    I roam around a crapload of boards for hours a day. Anyone else do this? It's fucking pathetic, I constantly want people's approval! What I really need is an internet patch or something to help me quit. God dammit.
  11. E

    Stupid Around People

    Whenever I'm around other people I become dumber. I can't concentrate as well and I can't put thoughts together. For example, I'm working on a project for school with other people. When I am at school with them I can't figure out what to do. But when I take it home with me, I instantly find...
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    Computer responsible?

    Is the computer responsible for me being more and more anti-social and depleting my social skills? I've noticed that when I spend lots of time on the computer I start feeling like a robot. I sometimes feel that my major(computer science) isn't exactly helping. I never do anything that requires...
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    Late Night Pondering

    ....To shower or not to shower?
  14. E


    This is how it usually goes for me: "Hi, I'm (my name)." "Hi, I'm (says her name)." ...... (pause followed by longer more awkward pause) ...... "Well, see ya!" (obsessive thoughts for the rest of the day) How do I get over this?
  15. E


    Does anyone else here get extremely self conscience in there car afraid of what people with think of their driving???