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  1. TheWhitePaladin

    The Awkwardness is killing me.

    Hey guys How's everyone doing. So I moved to a new school( and to new country) and education system in Canada is way different than where I come from. The English class is the worst, I absolutely hate with my whole being, it has all this stupid pointless presentations and group projects. Talking...
  2. TheWhitePaladin

    Being Unfavoured by Parents

    Being Unfavoured by Parents/Not getting enough attention from Parents Hi all's been a while since i posted here though I check the forums occasionally to see what's up. Buuut...lately i've become so depressed due to this problem I have , as you read the title i am so very much upset...
  3. TheWhitePaladin

    Is it Bad/Weird for a guy to be terrified of cockroaches?And how to overcome it?

    Hi I'm a 16 year old male who is terrified of cockroaches. You see yesterday the local sprayers came to sptay some toxic to kill and terminate cockroaches and I doubt it had any effects because the cockroaches began to come out of sewers and run around but fortunately I closed all the bathroom...