Search results

  1. thequietone

    Do you also have obsessive thoughts?

    I was wondering about this. Because I always felt like it kind of excluded me from the Social phobia thing because I may not be "purely" socially anxious. I know I have many OCD tendencies, but also anxiety and depression. I really can't stand these obsessive thoughts--things that I did in the...
  2. thequietone

    question for site moderators---changing NICKNAMES

    I'm wondering if I can keep everything else but change my username. Is it possible to do without re-registering?
  3. thequietone

    a request to delete some pictures...

    I was hoping who ever has the ability to do so, would you please delete the picture "Oh well" in members photo album? Also in Members pets, please delete "Kramer!" and "Kramer stretching". Thanks, I appreciate it ~quietone
  4. thequietone

    How the heck to people make friends?

    For about 4 years I didn't understand why people felt such profound desperation to form relationships when it was so much easier TO BE ALONE. Only now, do I realize that that whole time, I put all my energy into convincing myself that I didn't need anyone and it DID NOT HELP ME become a happier...
  5. thequietone

    Always medicated?

    Well, not always...just since I was 8 years old. I know my parents made the right choice, but being a perfectionist I have always found the fact that I need medication as a source for deep shame. What are your feelings about medication for SA, depression, general anxiety, etc. ? It seems to me...
  6. thequietone

    Mental illness and love

    Is it possible? I'm not talking about loving your family, I mean a romantic, mutual love between two people. I guess I'm just getting depressed after reading this article in Nat. Geographic about how passionate love, as a chemical reaction is almost indistinguishable from people who have...
  7. thequietone

    Are there people who won't leave you alone?

    I'm a little afraid to type this because I don't want to sound ungrateful when that's exactly what I am. :oops: But is it really so much to ask to be left alone? :x Every once and a while my friends who I have nothing in common with anymore will call me up when they're in town and try to get...
  8. thequietone

    No miracles

    I am struggling with a life lesson I would rather not learn. Ever since my problems began as a kid, I have held onto hope that one day all of this crap will go away for good. All of this anxiety, obsessions, shyness, depression. One day I will "grow out of it". One day I will try a treatment and...
  9. thequietone

    Does Thanksgiving scare you?

    Yes! 8O it does every year because we have a big loud bunch of relatives over and I never feel comfortable. I actually threw a fit last year and didn't go, the panic was so bad. But I'm determined to stay positive and strong this year. It's just eating turkey! I hope I'll survive. What's your...
  10. thequietone

    The imperfect world

    Does it ever make you sad that whether we like it or not we have to find our place in this world? That there isn't a world that fits you as you are? :( I know I should have realized this by now. I should have toughened up and stepped out of my fantasy world into the world that actually exists...
  11. thequietone

    Is it necessary to accept yourself?

    My therapist is identifying my main problem as not accepting myself. I don't see how I can, as I am not perfect (OCD? Yea, a "little" :lol: ) I wonder does everyone else in the world who is healthy accept and love themselves? It seems impossible to me. I don't understand how someone could love...
  12. thequietone

    The dreaded phone

    I was having an okay day, when out of the blue a friend who I hardly have anything in common with anymore decided to call. 8O For more than a month I havent really done anything with anyone. And it hasn't been bad, lonely at times, but at least the stress is gone. I stood there imobilized in...
  13. thequietone

    I gotta be the best

    This is unreasonable and selfish, I know. I'm just getting so frustrated in my college art classes because...I'm not the best anymore! I know I should just chill out, but I need those compliments, I need to look around the room and know that if a company employer who needed a drawing walked in...
  14. thequietone

    I gotta make this year better than the last

    It's back to school tomorrow and starting my second year of college. :x I made a pledge to myself that I'm going to try and be more positive, going to talk to people, maybe even make a friend or to without rejecting them when they get too close to me. But God, I'm nervous! Last year was...
  15. thequietone

    Do other people bug you? A lot?

    I know I should say, I ALLOW other people to bug me. It's true. Since I've come home from this family vacation with my unbearable relatives, I've been analyzing myself over and over again. Why am I so effectible? Why do ignorant, needy, loudmouth, mocking, peevish people make me so angry? And...
  16. thequietone

    Do other people bug you? A lot?

    I know I should say, I ALLOW other people to bug me. It's true. Since I've come home from this family vacation with my unbearable relatives, I've been analyzing myself over and over again. Why am I so effectible? Why do ignorant, needy, loudmouth, mocking, peevish people make me so angry? And...
  17. thequietone

    Auras and stuff like that...

    I can't see auras. People watching would be much more interesting if I could, but don't you agree that there is something you can sense from another person without any visible action? Do you ever walk into a room, sense the atmosphere tension between people and proceed with caution? Have you...
  18. thequietone

    guilt, guilt, guilt

    Here's my question: What are your experiences with guilt? For me, it's a good chunk of the problem. Recently I heard from someone that guilt is absolutely non-genetic. That the only way to develop "guilt complex" behavior is to have it implicitly taught to you by your parents. Hearing this of...
  19. thequietone

    Books and/or movies

    What are some good books and movies that where a character is Socially Anxious? Especially books, I'm looking for a good read. :D The only thing I can think of is the movie "Amelie" and I've already seen it. Any suggestions?
  20. thequietone

    Strangers or familiar faces. What do you fear more?

    My therapist said SA is different for each person and that some people can't stand asking a stranger for the time but have no problem talking to a friend. I find that I can more easily talk to people I think I won't ever see again and who have no background with me. But if I see someone I know...