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    I need some advice...

    It happened again. I was at the gym doing my own thing when an attractive woman caught my eye. I've seen her before but we've never talked. We exchanged some awkward smiles as we passed each other. Shortly after, she approached me and introduced herself. I tried to make some conversation...
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    Traveling the world... alone.

    Traveling the world alone. This is something I've seriously began considering over the last few months. I'm currently 30, single and living at home. I have no debts. I have no children. I have absolutely no obligations at all. I get along splendidly with my family and we are all very...
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    I'm fearful of letting new people into my life...

    Is social anxiety really the issue or have I just convinced myself that it is? When it comes to making new friends or starting a relationship, the general thought of someone entering my little world scares me. Perhaps that's why I haven't really made any new friends since I was child and have...
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    Critical point in my life...

    Social Anxiety... How I hate you. Hello everyone! This is my first and possibly last post on this forum. My name is Andreas, I'm 29 and I've dealt with social anxiety issues for most of my life. I'm soon to be 30 and it seems like a lot of things have been bubbling up over the last few...