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  1. L

    Presentation in college

    Just face it. I'm not a great presenter. I worked and practised hard, but at the end I end up with low marks in presentation. I already tried my best, especially in controlling my nerves. I think I presented quite well. I have good use of language and intonation, the only thing is my tutor...
  2. L

    Need advice on stepping out comfort zone

    Have anyone heard of Toastmasters before? Now I am still hesitating to join the toastmasters club in my college because I am not sure whether it is suitable for me or not. I get extremely nervous to speak in front of a crowd. Sometimes I think I am just having trauma because there was once I...
  3. L

    How my parents reacted to my social phobia

    Actually I told my parents I have social anxiety before, but they just don't take it seriously. Last time I asked them to bring me to doctor, but they just reacted like you have no problem and why you should see the doctor. I desperately need help but they just don't get it. They are not...
  4. L

    What makes you dislike social occasions/situations

    What makes you dislike social occasions/situations? 1. I dislike the way people judge me when I am always alone. 2. I have a hard time mixing in with people. 3. Even if I tried, people keep ignoring me. 4. I think most people do not understand what social phobia/anxiety is. Things that seem...
  5. L

    Severe stage fright

    Whenever I stand on the stage, I feel terribly nervous. I can feel my palms sweaty and cold, sometimes my legs are even shaking. I tried to control my fear but it was useless. I just can't cope stage fright. Even the thought of receiving prize from somebody in a prize-giving ceremony makes me...
  6. L

    Gaining extra attention

    I'm a bit anxious when people are giving me extra attention. I am not really active at school but still people are noticing me because of my results in school exams. I don't really like extra attention from my teachers. I am not a confident person and I afraid that if my results dropped,how...
  7. L

    Avoid social occasions in life

    If possible, I always choose to avoid any social occasions in life. One of the reasons I do not like to show up in social occasions is because I am a vegetarian. When it comes to social occasion, it is always related with food. It seems weird because I only eat fruits or have a drink whenever I...
  8. L

    Do you feel offended when people give you comments like timid and shy?

    There was once a teacher gave me this comment when he first saw me. He said I looked shy and timid. Then he asked my seniors who sat near to me and they all agreed that I was shy and timid. They think I'm the quiet one because I seldom talk. The truth is I only become talkative in front of my...