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  1. F

    Can' breathe ! Can't get started! (save me!)

    Hey sorry for the crazy headline :giggle: , but does anyone here trying to make their first steps of getting over anxiety of talking to people ever feel really self conscious ( i am not good enough, what if everyone sees me, what if i get yelled at, what if she doesn't like me, do i look good...
  2. F

    Dating with SA

    Hey I know this is a bit off topic from this forum and random but was hoping to get some advice on this... I'm trying to improve my dating skills and a brought a program to kinda help me out with it but its obvious that these type of programs are not really for guys with SA its all for normal...
  3. F

    Anxiety in groups/large crowds

    Hey does anyone ever feel really scared or just panicky when having to join a large group of guys or girls? I feel inferior and somewhat scared and just not myself. I wish I could stop this and am really motivated in finding any solution to try. Anyone else going through this/ looking for a...
  4. F

    Anxiety in groups/large crowds

    Hey all, Recently I had to go to a meeting for work and there was a large group of people and AS ALWAYS i just felt this massive panic in my chest and i felt so in my head ,awkward and not "myself." I am sick and tiered of feeling this way and i want to feel apart of something again... just...
  5. F

    BIGGEST Frustration/ Obstacle/Issues in getting over social anxiety ( No judging)

    Hey all, What are your biggest frustrations/obstacles/issues in getting over social anxiety (right now or in general). Mines is just getting started.