Search results

  1. We_shall_overcome

    Efexor (Venlafaxine) and Weight Gain

    Hi Everyone, I've been on and off Efexor (Venlafaxine) for the last 4 years now and whenever I'm on it I always put on a lot of weight. When I'm on the Efexor I find I have these constant strong cravings for fatty and sugary foods that just aren't present when I'm off the meds. Unfortunately...
  2. We_shall_overcome

    A big Hi from County Cork in Ireland

    Hi everyone, I've been visiting this forum for a few months now, but this is my first day as a registered user. I'm 26 years old and hail from a small town called 'Fermoy', which is in County Cork in Ireland. I've been shy my whole life and started to develop full-blown SA in my mid-teens...