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  1. LovelyMissMadi

    Like the candy stuck in my teeth...

    There's this guy at school, in my speech class. He's a senior, I'm a sophomore. In five years I have never trusted someone as much as I trust him. He's currently the only person in the whole world that I trust that much. But he's leaving in June. And I'll be alone... again. Everyone leaves me...
  2. LovelyMissMadi

    Hear what I'm not saying...

    I worry that if I tell you you won't accept me anymore. It'll be a "Yeah, I used to know her," situation. I think you're unsuspecting and you'll take your love away if I tell you how I feel. For my sake just get the hint stop making jokes- I'm scared of you. I'm wearing a mask that has to come...
  3. LovelyMissMadi

    I heard you can't fall off the floor... which case, I'm safe. My names Madison, I'm sixteen years old. I'll be seventeen on the twentieth of November. At school and home people often take me as shy. In all actuality I'm far from shy. I can picture myself being the person I'd totally LOVE to be. But there's always this one...