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  1. watherby

    Love, peace and understanding...

    Hi, 'social phobia' means that we do not LIKE people, but our aim is to be with them as we feel that we need them. This is funny enough. So what we are actually afraid of? I think I know the answer for that question. It is love and acceptance. If someone 've told me that he/she loves me the...
  2. watherby

    How do you feel your phobia.

    Hi, when I feel it it is: cold/hot, i have shivers and something like some electrically-charged needles was put in some places of my body. How do you experience it?
  3. watherby

    Why do you think you have phobia NOW?

    Hi, The question may be somewhat... peculiar, but there NEED to be something that 'holds' our phobias from one second to another, true? Why phobias (and many other things :)) last at all? Past is in the past (or in our heads?) future is in the future (or in our... heads?), now... now is now (in...