Sereqoel or Quetiapin - helps me some how


New member
I have had genetic hyperhydrosis since my childhood until I decided to find my own medicne. My personal doctor didnt have a nickle of thought of what I was going through. he used to say that those who want treat hyperhydrosis were money loundering bases.

So I decided to take it to the pychiatrist and after two years of woundering around I was finally prescribed Sereqoel/Quetiapin.
I stil dont know what is it for but I take it before I sleep and calms down the nerves on the day.
Now days I only sweat in stressful situations but overall the this wonder drug is helping me now.

anyway I will be updating in the coming weeks if there are any side effects.


Well-known member
Used for Bipolar Disorder amongst other things. Proven to treat both acute depressive and manic episodes. It's also used to promote sleep.