Sometimes I feel I am not from this Planet!


New member
I feel as if there is something in me or on me what makes me different. I can't relate to other people and I can't understand them. It seems to me that I am able to feel exactly what they think or act in every minute. I can't be part of a group because I feel constantly that I am not fitting in. My interests are different from the majority of people. I am talking and living the truth what other people seem to avoid. I don't like small talk but I love deep conversations and books. I am a very caring person and I love animals. I love my job and I love to support people but I can't handle followers or people with no spine. Why do I feel so lonely with being me? It seems that people wanna hear a lie rather than the truth. I wanna know why, and why I feel that way. If anybody feels like me and feels totally out of it, than please write me.

Thank you so much for listening :)


Well-known member
Hello! Well you are not alone in feeling alone. When I am out with a group of people I feel like I never fit in with them. Even when I am out with my "friends" I always feel like I am the odd one out and always think in my head, "I don't belong here, Why am I even here." Being different is what makes everyone stand out and while writing this, makes me relies that it is okay to be different.
Maybe join a book club, then everyone in that group will talk about the book and even tho everyone might have different opinions the subject is the same.


Wow....I was actually just thinking this the other day. I feel like I'm totally different from other people...even people in my family. I thought I was weird for thinking that way glad to see there are other people :)


New member
I have felt that for a long time.
I thought to myself I was an alien forgotten on this planet for some reasons, some kind of experiment gone wrong or a cyborg,...

I have always seen myself as different.
I also have a hard time relating to others and understanding them.
I must be missing a few screws.

Also, unfortunately for me, I don't have any real interests. I am bored real fast. Therefore I couldn't talk about anything or give an opinion,... When need be, I make one on the spot to... say something.
And I don't like my job.

Well. That's the kind of strange being I am. Maybe I wasn't meant to be human. :thinking:


Well-known member
I started feeling like an alien too. Specially when I see so much narcissism these days.
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