Things that help lessen the intensity of itching caused by Drysol in the armpits


New member
Hey everyone,

I just discovered this page about a week ago. Before then, I thought I would have to deal with my self-diagnosed hyperhidrosis by myself forever (actually I thought it was some form of nervous sweating, but I think the nervousness was caused by me having massive sweat marks under my armpits and on my clothes all the time - which made me embarrassed and nervous/too self-conscious). Before finding this website, I had no idea that I could get my hands on anything as awesome as Drysol, so thanks for all the information on it!

Unfortunately, Drysol causes extreme itchiness of my underarms, which led me to scratching them - big mistake. Some suggestions that I have for countering the itchiness are taking Benedryl Nighttime (as you will probably be applying Drysol at bedtime and it helps to knock you out), putting ice in Ziploc bags and then in your armpits (not sure if this causes irritation of the skin and makes the itching worse after you take the ice off), some chamomile tea (to help coax your body into sleep), and if your really desperate, you could just get drunk so you don't notice the pain/itching that much (which I don't really advise).

Whenever I have to use Drysol, I take a Benedryl Nighttime, use the ice packs, and do something that will help to take my mind off of the itching until I feel like falling asleep.

I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in the world, but I am sad to see that so many other people have to suffer with this problem. Hopefully this anti-itch information helps some people!
