26 today, but going on 18


Well-known member
I've turned 26 today, but in my mind I feel 18. I just don't feel as if I've got my life started yet.

Sometimes, its so frustrating seeing friends and family getting on with their lives.

Dos anyone else feel younger then they really are?



Well-known member
Yes, it shocks me to think I am so close to thirty. Shit it was only yesterday I left school. Man I gotta hurry up and sort my life out.


Well-known member
grumblina said:
I feel young in that I lack a history of "normal" experiences.

Me too. Sometimes I feel like a clueless kid - when I think back at some of the things I thought/ did, I obviously was. I think I have bursts of maturity. I get it together to accomplish something, then I plateau, till I get it together to do something else, but I'm always a step behind, always catching up. Catching up, then you realize you could have done whatever it was much sooner :? .


Well-known member
grumblina said:
I feel young in that I lack a history of "normal" experiences.

Me too. Sometimes I feel like a clueless kid - when I think back at some of the things I thought/ did, I obviously was. I think I have bursts of maturity. I get it together to accomplish something, then I plateau, till I get it together to do something else, but I'm always a step behind, always catching up. Catching up, then you realize you could have done whatever it was much sooner :? .


Well-known member
I feel like l never got past 18 on a maturity level, l'm yet to become independent and feel in control of my life. People always think l'm 18 too which is embarrassing, l'm getting tired of it. I'm 28 and want to be treated that way.


Well-known member
I am 17, going on 13
Don't know what to do..
You are 26, going on 18
I'll.. depend.. on you.

Haha. Sorry, I just had to type that. :) And Happy Birthday!!!


Well-known member
I am 19

Going on 30+ in terms of the bitter things that I went through

Going on 13 in terms of social interactions...I still do things like over analyse my thoughts & actions in social situations...


Well-known member
grumblina said:
I feel young in that I lack a history of "normal" experiences.

You're spot on, grumblina. I'm constantly wanting to re-claim the years I've lost to social phobia. I vow each year that I won't let it rule my life for another year (and I've been saying that for a few years), and before long another year has passed!

I used to think at 18 that the problem might somehow correct itself a few years down the line.

Still, I am only 26 which is still relatively young.


Well-known member
I can subrscribe to your theory IceLad, and certainly relate to grumblina too

Im 22 going on 23 and I certainly feel like I never acheived in my teens what everyone else did. I don't have an abundance of fantastic teen memories of parties, mates, girls etc. I think Im reasonably mature for my age having spent a lot of time with people a lot older than myself, but at the same time I feel like Im really only 15 or 16 years old.

My teenage years are just a blur to me now and I do wish I could regain them. And yes it can be difficult to see everyone go on with their lives while feeling like Ive been left behind.

Im still looking out for my first proper girlfriend, still looking for a bunch of mates to hang out with while a lot of others my age are spending less time with mates and settling down with long term partners instead. How can I catch up on a decade of relationship experience so I can be on the same playing field as everyone else? I dont know


Well-known member
Funnily enough that was one of the things I brought up with my counciler, that I still felt around 16 or 17 because i'd not had the experiences other people go through. Despite being 22 I really don't feel it.


Well-known member
I still make my mom come with me when im going to places i've never been...i mean come on im 19...i feel pathetic...still never had a relationship...yeah i would say I feel younger than i am...probably somewhere around 15 when most people are learning how to drive and just starting to get serious about dating...although the latter will not happen for a while i fear.


Well-known member
Pearl said:
I feel like l never got past 18 on a maturity level, l'm yet to become independent and feel in control of my life. People always think l'm 18 too which is embarrassing, l'm getting tired of it. I'm 28 and want to be treated that way.

Pearl I feel the same way sometimes.

Becoming independent is one of my biggest desires in life. Although I don't live at home with my parents, a friend puts me up at the moment and they rent i pay is negligable. I could never afford to support myself however and would love to feel more in control of my financial sitaution. I work part time (because I physically cannot hold down a full time job - yet) and this just doesn't pay enough money. I feel sooo dependent on others financially and this is embarrassing cos I am thirty! Specially in this day and age too, I feel people are looking at me thinking, "well women can work now if they want to, what's your problem?!" I do not fill the "young thirty-something financially and emotionally independent role model" that is expected of women these days and I feel this is a great pressure on me...

Any other women feel like this? No offense boys, just wondering how other women feel...


Well-known member
Being a perfectionist it really pains me to think of the "lost" years in my life. The positive side I guess is to count my blessings and look at all the things which I have experienced which others have not and to relaise that so many have such a difficult life to live (those who live in third world countries, etc).