alcohol for ocd

i love drinking to supress my ocd

i know its bad, but the past year i started to become an alcoholic from it i think!

i was in college and always went to parties but was the one who got bombed all the time

recently i found myself at times even getting blacked out drunk by myself

i know its not good to drink but i feel like the effects down the road from drinking out weigh having to live with ocd my whole life

ive taken ssri's and havent had good luck with them... the last time i took prozac it didnt help my ocd and i got really anti social

what do you think about the drinking? because of my ocd it makes me make sure i drink at appropriate times like when all my works done and everything

but in the end when i drink i am getting abliterated

what do you think about this?


thats cool that it helps you be asymtomatic... but if you have to drink to the point of blacking out, thats not a good thing. drinking when i have been being OCD just makes it easier for me to get into my symptoms, but it also makes it easier for me to stop... so basically i just get into the symptoms without thinking twice, but i also just stop without thinking twice. the problem i have with it, is that i usually feel depressed the next day after getting drunk, and that makes me get symptomatic.


Well-known member
I sometimes felt calmer after a (low%) beer, maybe because of B vitamins.. I wouldn't recommend it though.

It's good you finish your works, still, please beware. A lot of 'fun guys' at parties can become alcoholics later on.

Alcohol can destroy brain cells and make you do stupid things sometimes (see threads in the SA forums..) so it would be better if you come up with other, better strategies..

Can you go to any AA meetings locally? Or join any interesting courses or take up hobbies to take your mind off things? Or go hiking/running/cycling, whatever?

Also, have you done any CBT/ERP therapy? Some people have had success with it.. Much better than any chemicals!!


Well-known member
thats cool that it helps you be asymtomatic... but if you have to drink to the point of blacking out, thats not a good thing. drinking when i have been being OCD just makes it easier for me to get into my symptoms, but it also makes it easier for me to stop... so basically i just get into the symptoms without thinking twice, but i also just stop without thinking twice. the problem i have with it, is that i usually feel depressed the next day after getting drunk, and that makes me get symptomatic.

that's weird, I have the exact opposite reactions. I get worse OCD symptoms that go on for months thinking I was not conscious through the experience and ended up getting someone pregnant.

Though it isn't horrible if I just have a single drink, in fact, doesn't seem all that bad.