all in my mind??


Well-known member
i walk outside into this stupid strange world everyday seeing people that dont and wont ever understand me. it's like they've given up on me for some reason. why do i get ugly stares? why does the guy i like already have a girlfriend? ohhh it's like what the hell what would make the difference anyway?? he won't ever feel worthy of me. i never really ever talked to him so he doesn't even know me. why do i have to be labelled as the "shy girl" ??
WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYONE?? why do i feel like a plain boring person in public? WHY CAN'T I GET MY REAL FREAKIN PERSONALITY OUT OF THIS STUPID ASS?!?! why do i feel so much freaking lower than everyone else....I EVEN FREAKING FEEL LOWER THAN YOU PEOPLE!! why dont i feel pretty enough? why do i feel like im bleeding inside i'm like the ugliest person ever and everyone makes me feel so ugly inside like dog doo doo. it also hurts to fall in love with guys ... it's like they dont love you back n maybe they'll never know. my life is like i'm seeing through glass n no one can come through to me.... all in my head or wut?


Well-known member
Jess, I totally know what ur going through. I have fallen in love with my best friend and he has no freaking clue. I feel soooo ugly and plain and revolting. And I hate falling in love because I never have the guts to tell them and they'll never ever know. Although, they probably would not want to know something like that. I feel like I am not worthy of anyone.


Well-known member
Ive never been in love so i cant help you there, i know every guy i like i let slip away either that or they dont notice me because like you im the shy girl or the quiet one. I also feel like no one understands me and never will *no one i know in person* , that im not to their standards. but you know what, its stupid, we shouldnt think like that but its so hard not too.

Ive built a brick wall around me and wont let anyone in, no one can break it down not even me.


Well-known member
Well, it's all in your head. You're not the ugliest person in the world. I (and many others) believe no one is ugly. Everyone has something beautiful about them. It could be your feet, your hair, your eyes, your earlobes, whatever.
And you're not worse than anyone. You're worth the same as the most valued person in the world, whoever that is.
But I do identify with everything you're saying. I'm not gonna tell you that you'll find the perfect partner, because no one can say that.
I am always rejected by the guys I like, so I try to reject them first. :roll:


Well-known member
I think it's probably influenced by your mood. When I'm in a good mood and look in the mirror I can say to myself.. you know you're not the best looking person in the world, but you're not ugly. When I'm in the bad mood, it's like getting punched in the face, I wake up hate how I look and everything. The questions would be... what influences our mood.. hmm


I completely agree with you Guest. Our days are driven by our mood, and our mood dictates just how we see everything during the day, even ourselves. I have also sometimes told myself "You are not as bas you tell yourself sometimes" but there are other times when I don't even feel like leaving the room. But I don't understand either, why do our moods differ each time we wake up?


Well-known member
Even though I have a fiance I still feel ugly, I have those days when I look in the mirror and think "oh my god, what the hell does anyone see in me" but then on good days I think I look ok...ish. We seem to forget that other people have different views on how people look. I might be gorgeous to my fiance, yet downright ugly to other people. What we really need to do is learn to appreciate the way we llok, even if its just your hair that looks great, look in the mirror, tell yourself how great your hair (or whatever looks). Might sounds silly but its better than putting yourself down all the time.


Well-known member
I find looking in the mirror hard to. I sometimes forget that I even have, I don't take much attention of what my face looks like, i only look in the mirror to do something half decent with my hair. (Yes I'm a bloke, whats wrong with a bit of grooming)

What I'm interested in is the power of the mind. We all know that its all in the mind and can therefore be change. Positivity equals postive things right. So why not look in the mirror write down those thoughts that get you down to start with then look to change them. For each negative phrases choose 2 positive phrases and say them when looking at your self in the mirror. Its all about looking at things in a different light. I'm not saying it can work all the time but isn't it worth a go. Eventually you may start believeing it yourself.