

I've mention this before in another post, I found out totally by accident that Amitriptyline helps. I've had ETS surgery some years a go and while it did, in my case, helps matters, my CS has gradually got worse.

I initially started taking Amitriptyline to help with my sleeping, I have another prolapsed disc in my lower spine and sleeping was becoming very difficult so my Doc suggested I try Amitriptyline. He explained what they are for and how they would help so I thought why not. My wife is also a Pharmacist so the Doc knows we will use any medication he gives me correctly. I first started to notice that my reaction to some foods, like cheese, vinegar etc. wasn't happening, my head was completely dry. So I didn't take any Amitriptyline for a couple of days and it came back, so it was obviously helping. So then I thought I'll try some during the day as well and see if it helps. I made sure it was on a day I wasn't driving or anything as they can make you drowsy. Anyways, we're in the middle of a HOT spot at the moment in the UK and while everyone else is loving it I'm hating it big style. However, since I've been taking the Amitriptyline during the day, and managing them very carefully, my CS has been reduced drastically, in fact almost gone all together.

Now I'm not saying it will work for everyone but if you've had ETS surgery and suffer badly with CS and a reaction to foods then it may be worth a try. To put things in to perspective my CS at times would be soul destroying, My underwear completely wet which would often show up on to my trousers, the whole of the front and back of my shirt soaking wet, my socks wet etc. etc.

I don't regret having the ETS done because in the most it's more manageable that it was before, before even if I was freezing my hands and armpits would be soaking and the only time I really suffer now is when it's hot and being in the UK it's not that often.

Just have a think about it may be worth a look.

It's helped me!

Darren. :D


Well-known member
So you are saying it works even on hot days, or just when you eat food. I am in a personal hell right now, since it is hot and humid. I fully sweat inside with air conditioning, right through my pants and on to the chair. I need to try something new.