Are there any ( former ) Hare Krsnas here ?


Active member
Are you still in the Fisnuts ? I noticed you still have your devotee name.
Are you here to try and convert me back to the Hairy Fishnuts or over to your cristian god ?


Active member
Whooo I love it !!
Sod off and die ?? So refreshing to hear something like that since I am from texas and here people sound half asleep all of the time.

I have a hard time apologizing.
I have that wonderfull thick shell that we all needed to make it through the fishnuts ( which as you know is really filled with cracks and about to shatter at the slightet whisper.)

I guess part of me is sorry for being rude. I'm sort of a nice guy - but with that split personality that lauches me into instant 'asshole'.

I am sure you can tell that I have a 'trust' problem too. I had bad experiances throughout my life.

I just posted to the god topic. Then just 'discovered' how to find posts that dissappear from the front page --- so I'm here.
After reading that post you will think me even more of an asshole.

So you are a Christian ? ( see I can spell it right and not be disrespectfull to you )

O.K. That's your thing and i'm ok with that. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

I'm just glad we have something in common ( our childhood )

Sorry for being myself.

I'm glad that you posted back ( And I'm glad you spoke your mind too )

( Peace ? )

---- Govinda Dasa ( A name I have not used in decades )