been diagnosed with absent avoident personality disorder


New member
hi, im bronco, 33 male. been diagnosed with absent avoident personality disorder. been treated for chronic depression and anxiety since 17 when headshrink has now said my main problem is aapd. never been able to work for longer than 3mths at a time. worked on and off since 19. i was a bricklayer. anxiety or depression stops me working every time. im single which hurts me. longest relationship was 9mths. 6yrs ago, broke my heart when she dumped me, was in love. hope to find love again. hate myself, low confidence, sensitive, low self esteam. cant see how anyone gonna give me a chance, cant support myself, parents look after me. cant keep friendships, got friends just cant face seeing them. working a major problem :evil: going on holiday camping with dad wed. scared shitless, just want to stay in my room. group theropy when i get back should start, scared and stressed. racy thoughts. oh well just saying hi 2 everyone. didnt know there people like me out there.


Well-known member
hi, welcome.

i've never heard it called absent avoident personality disorder. is it the same thing as avoidant personality disorder? does absent in front mean something else?