Bleh :(


New member
Uhg, where do I start...

Me: I am 20 years old and I live with my parents. I have 0 friends other than a few that I talk to in chat rooms.

I had always thought I was just extremely introverted and maybe a little shy. It started to get worst lately so I did some research and found "Avoidant Personality Disorder", now I am certain it fits me.

I recently lost my last real life friend due to my constant avoidance behavior. I kept making up excuses for reasons why I couldn't "hang out". I really hate small talk and hanging out.

From age 1-12, I lived with an abusive father. I spent 90% of my life in my bedroom and I wasn't allowed to make any noise. I had a few friends, but they weren't allowed over- I had to go to their house to see them, which was not common.

It's similar now days. It's not uncommon for me to go a whole week without going outside. We live about 10 miles away from town, so I can't exactly "get out" whenever I want. I also don't have a car, money, or driving skills.

My real issue here is this:

I have graduated college (Associates in Computer Science) and I owe $18,000 in student loans. I must start paying these back in 3 months. So I must get a job before then. I spend 2-3 hours every day looking for job openings in my area.

The problem here is my disorder is so serious that it's impossible for me to talk on the phone. I only apply for jobs that allow me to apply online or E-mail my resume. I also have to set up interviews over E-mail, because I can't answer my phone or call people. In the last 3 years, I have only talked to my mother on the phone (because of callerID). I don't answer to anyone else.

There are very little jobs here in IT.
I refuse to work in a job where I have to interact with customers.
I can't handle phones.
I have 3 months to find a job.

Due to my frustrating view on ethics and morals, I refuse to get a job that requires me to be a slave to the job- working 9-5. I have pretty high standards for work and I can't settle for anything less.

I can't get psychotherapy because we have very little money. Plus my parents work about 10-12 hours a day (7 days a week) and I don't have a car. We couldn't possibly afford therapy or fit it around their schedule.

I try to talk to my mother about this a lot, but she goes completely silent and doesn't respond very often. I like to believe she still cares, perhaps she just can't help me and is ok with that.

I'm not scared to work though. I am looking forward to getting out and interacting with co-workers. But I refuse to deal with customers and phones. I want a job where I actually matter and feel important.

So many obstacles, personal issues, and demands that it's driving me in a position that I don't think I can get out of.

Given these conditions, what would you do?
Don't look at the caller ID. Answer each and every call that you receive. Practice makes perfect. Since you do chat in chat rooms maybe ask someone you chat with if you can practice chatting with them using a microphone (yahoo chat has this feature available).

Apply for jobs you don't really want just to practice interviewing and answering their phone calls. Post something on for a part-time job just to get the ball rolling.

Try Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), it's only $20 for a self-help workbook. A great ACT book is "Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life".

I work in I.T. and most of the times our "customers" are our fellow co-workers.

Good luck, hang in there.