Body and Mind


Well-known member
Another of my pointless posts here :D

I was driving down the road this morning feeling rather good,i've had a rather good week one of the best for a long time.I was thinking about how i can make myself confident and outgoing and how i can solve this.Ive been thinking about how the mind controls the body, everyone can see the body but no one can see my mind only me,if i train my mind to become confident then the body should then become confident as its controlled by the mind.

In my mind iam a shy, reserved, quiet kind of person so in turn thats what my body signals give out and people pick up on these and i will stay in that state forever but should i be able to train my mind to think its the opposite from what it is just now then surely tha should help :?:


Well-known member
Hi Scottish Player,

Thanks for posting. I can relate to your minds conversation and willingness to desire it with others. It's these positive moments that help us develop positive attitudes.

God Bless,

Scared Girl


Well-known member
Are you saying that if you're confident, your body will give out positive signals?

I'm not sure what you're saying. Sorry I'm a bit thick. Well tipsy.


Well-known member
Yeh i think if i can train my mind to become confident then my body will to as my mind says as i think thats how it works and then in turn i will apear confident to others :D


Well-known member
So you want to be appear more confident to people. But if you train your mind to be confident then you will actually be confident anyway. Why not say "I want to be more confident"? Because as you say the body language will follow.

You've been smoking haven't you? lol


Well-known member
lol well if i had just said i wanted to be more confident then that woudnt have made much of a post and i wouldnt be having this conversation with you :D


Well-known member
hehe ok fairpoint, I was just worried I was missing a major point. Although you did warn me I

What about changing body language to appear more confident than you are? basically bluffing it.


Well-known member
isnt that like learning to be something youre not? i ...feel best when i can really be my quiet gentle, screwed up self..i just feel better being me. i know what you mean though...some of these positive body language techniques can really make people act a lot more ..some of our negative, dislikable traits can be hereditary...nature not nurture.


Well-known member
unleashed said:
isnt that like learning to be something youre not?

think of it the other way around,does that mean that someone who was at one time did not have SP/SA but has it now mean that they are not being themselve as they used to be a confident and out going person :?:

I also like being myself but there is times i wish i could put myself into things a little more,iam not saying i want to be the life and sole of the party, i would just like to be able to go to the party :)


Well-known member
hey Scottish....when i was out yesterday....i was thinking about your post...i was in the grocery store....and also just waited in the car a lot of the day :oops: ...but, as i watched others....i tend to do that :?'s funny, some just have that charisma and confidence in themselves, or at least they appear that way....and it must start in their mind....and is obvious by their body's just an aura of confidence in who they are....and it made me does this happen to some, not others? do i change this in myself?..... cause....i probably look like a nervous wreck much of the time :roll:


Well-known member
hey Scottish ---> i like your post alot! it sounds kind of obvious like Yossarian put:

But if you train your mind to be confident then you will actually be confident anyway. Why not say "I want to be more confident"? Because as you say the body language will follow.

but then i got to thinking about it and it's more of a process, and nicely put! i like it :D

i do that alot too maggie. i look at others and think, "how can i be so different? we're basically the same" "how do they do it so much better than i?" but then when i get anxious i try and tell myself that i am just like them and can overcome this with work. but sometimes i wonder why it's so hard to imitate something so simple to blend in. like confidence for instance. it's just a matter of actions... like a dance. maybe we all have two left feet :wink:


Well-known member
if your mind is confident, your body will show it too..

after a while, you lose it, and thats where determination comes in, dont give up, always practice, its ok to be falling much more than you have improved..

key is, never give up..