Buying clothes!


Well-known member
I have real problems buying clothes.

I always find it hard seeing myself in new types of clothing, so when I do buy something, its always pretty similar to what I've got already!

Most of the time I don't run the 'risk' of using changing rooms, I take my chances and hope it fits when I try it on at home. If it doesn't fit, I get someone else to take it back for me.

Does anyone have any advice or any similar experiences?


Well-known member
im no good at buying or looking at clothes when im by myself, but with mates i just spend spend spend. ill never take clothes back thugh,and i will only go changing rooms when my mates are with me. ASnd ill never ask the assisitants anyhting.


Well-known member
All my clothes are bought from the catalogue or internet to avoid shopping for them

good for you that you can even go there :D


Well-known member
I select the clothes, my mum buys them, I'll try them on when I get home and mum'll return them if they don't fit. I don't mind trying new styles, as long as they're something I actually like.


Well-known member
i have a real problem buying clothes...the only clothes i have left are 6 pairs of underpants, so i wear 3 pairs at a time, using one pair as a t-shirt, one pair as a hat, and one pair as regular pants

then, when i have to wash them (which is quite often, i can tell you), i have my other 3 pairs ready to go


Well-known member
I hate any kind of shopping on my own which is a shame as I like shopping with others. Unless it involves waiting around womens shops while they change *shudder* I am slowly getting better, not much choice but NEVER on a saturday!!! Hell is a weekend highstreet :(


It's my next target to be able to shop on my own. The thought of shopping for clothes on my own at the moment (sweating, blushing, shaking) oh my god..... 8O