Calling in sick..


Well-known member
IDK why but I've three spells of absence from work due to a temperature/headache and even though I'm genuinely ill (admittedly, some of my other absences haven't been - most down to anxiety/stress) I still take ages to muster the courage to call in and say I'm not coming in to work. Then it's a slow process to press the call button to the office and finally do it!


Well-known member
Yeah I have this too.

I'm almost never genuinely classically ill though. With vomiting and stuff. But a lot of times I feel a low omnipresent level of stress and fatigue, also sleep-related. I guess that's depression. I bite through it most of the time, but some days when things get really bad I really just want to call in sick, but can't, for fear of being judged as lazy or some sort of guilt for letting others do my work. Also imo these things aren't really taken seriously as a valid reason to call in sick in many workplaces (You didn't sleep last night? Suck it up dude! Most people have no idea what it's like for the body and mind to be chronically sleep deprived), so I would have to fake some sort of "accepted" illness on the phone. I just can't do that anymore.

I guess a lot of it (the mustering of courage) comes down to self-confidence, and also for introverts it's just hard to voice your feelings or show a weakness. If you're ill then that's your call, it's your health and you shouldn't compromise it or feel shy of calling in sick. But I know how hard that can be.


New member
What helps me with phone calls is writing on a piece of paper exactly what you want to say and then read from it when talking. That way you lower the chances of being confused about what to say.


Well-known member
Ah thank goodness yes, something I don't ever have to do again if I can remain self-employed!

Good luck though! Do you have sick days?