Can any of you handle this?


Well-known member
Chilling__Echo said:
lol aw! i'd like to see you try and break the weights and stuff, i don't know about you but i think they'd break me! :wink:
haha im not going near weights. id manage to kill myself im sure.
nah, but like running machines..electircal stuff. i just cant manage it. i used to have IT lessons at school, always broke my computer, and usually others aswell :roll:
but nah,ill keep away from the gym. ill just get podgy in my old age :lol:


Well-known member
im not so bad that i cant leave the house thankfully, i like shopping. that can be my exercise :D
i jsut dont like the paying bit.
ill try the gym out soon maybe, i would like to go. it sounds fun.