can anyone relate??? "average Joe " syndrom expand


I haven't worked in about 10 years and am currently receiving disability
(SSDI) I can still get out to do many things but find the organized structure of work places impossible.

I feel almost identical to sally. Does anyone else feel the same way?
i hate office politics and find out, too, that when i meet someone i really like I either smother them or "try" the relationship assuming that they will desert me once they get to know me.

I live in Buffalo, NY, am 38, college educated but can't work. I feel so pathetic> The few friends that i have kept up with think that my life must be the best there can be....t.v and the internee all day....going for walk and cycling ect. They don't understand the boredom and humility that goes with it

feedback anyone?

in peace


Well-known member
have you ever tried Imipramine? I once suffered from Agoraphobia, I went to a pychiatrist and was proscribed I can get out of my house and go anywhere...i hope maybe it will work for you..good luck! :)