Can't achive anything


Well-known member
Does anyone feel that they can't achieve anything? As if there's a barrier?

No matter how much i practice my guitar i feel that i am getting worse instead of better. This applies to all other areas of my life too. I just feel that i am getting worse at everything rather than better. Why can't i be good at something?


Well-known member
i can relate a bit, i make beats and to me my beats sound like shit like if i were starting from scracth. yeah i feel like i have a barrier sometimes


Well-known member
When I start out doing something, I can make great progress in a short period of time.. but when I reach a certain point, I get discouraged and give up. This happens with almost everything I do.


Well-known member
Yeh I definitly feel that. I've spoken with some people about it and they experience it too, this was their advice to me:

Basically they say anything you do, anything you learn, progress happens in plateaus. You start out, see lots of improvement, feel really happy, then suddenly the improvement and progress level out and you need to expend a really really large amount of effort to get past that point and start improving again.

Spending that amount of effort will probably make the thing you're learning or trying to achieve less fun than it was before, maybe even frustrating. That point is when i usually give up.

Their advice was to pick one or two things in your life that you really really want, and for those, make yourself work past that plateau. For the rest of the things, don't sweat it too much.

I said "really" a lot didn't i... bah too lazy to edit. >submit.


Well-known member
Yes, in a way.

In many of the sports I've tried (and I've tried quite a few) in the beginning the coaches would often call me a "natural" and would single me out as being the best on the team and would use me as an example.

Then, after awhile, I somehow became more and more average, I would lose my "natual" ability after awhile, even though I continued to work hard. I don't get it fully.


Active member
recluse said:
Does anyone feel that they can't achieve anything? As if there's a barrier?

No matter how much i practice my guitar i feel that i am getting worse instead of better. This applies to all other areas of my life too. I just feel that i am getting worse at everything rather than better. Why can't i be good at something?

If you're playing just to master the guitar, you're playing for all the wrong reasons. Even if you're playing to simply "be good" at it, you're still not playing for YOU. Where's the fun in that?

I've realized something. If you're not having a blast, what's the point in doing it? Whatever you do, do it for you. Even if you suck at it. Even if you're a terrible guitar player, suck at relationships, can't play badminton for your life... whatever! That's not the point. The point is to do it because you LOVE doing it.


When I don't think about what others consider what I can or can't do..I then think for myself. the way your a cute.
I can't achieve anything. I feel like whatever I do I never do it correctly. Everything I do is never good enough, it's never perfect, so often instead of trying things I will just not do them at all because they are not perfect. I will even throw things away that I didn't do perfectly. I never get better, I never move on to the next level. I'm just not good enough for these things. If only I didn't care.
Don't judge yourself and give yourself the credit for trying.
Learning to play the guitar on your own is very difficult unless you are a prodigy, so a teacher would definitely help. Also, give your body/brain a chance to catch up with what you are trying to learn. The biggest successes tend to come after the biggest failures.


Active member
We can never be perfect but we can be the best that we can. A practice is a start but we cannot expect that the fruit of our efforts will arrive early. We can say that we are bad in everything but saying that is not seeing the good of our being. We only see the black spots in our life but not giving notice to the beautiful side of self.

Repeat and try, there is no hurt in trying. Maybe there is something wrong in the way you do. Try to change it and take into heart the actions you want to master.

I hope that helps...

I am also just like you, sometimes...


Well-known member
I have exactly the same problem, i start do things with passion and dedication, and at some point, oops... i turn around and go back to the beginning! (it's brilliant, javascript:emoticon(':lol:')

The problem is that you can really achieve something in life.

recently , i kinda of explained it by "performance stress" that SA folks have typically. which means that in your unconscious mind, you have that fear or belief that you'll not succeed, and when you start sth, the conflict starts in your mind between your desire to do it and your unconscious, and finally it seems that your fears always win! (so i'm stuck in a win-win situation javascript:emoticon(':p')