Children's birthday parties


In the next two days, I have to attend:

1. My 10 year old nephew's birthday party. A child with autism, who if anyone, either understands, or doesn't care if I'm uncomfortable leaving my home. Bad enough, that his mother, my oldest sister, has to pick me up from my apartment because I'm too scared to drive.

But the worst is yet to come. The day after:
2. My only niece's 16 year old birthday party.

My oldest brother's daughter came to idolize me when I used to send her programmes from all the plays I worked when I worked in theater in Los Angeles. I was able to hide my agoraphobia there because I lived alone. I worked alone, late at night, everything was easy to hide. Now she thinks of me as her theater hero(ine). She comes to me for advice for all kinds of things and I want nothing more than to be there for her. But I'm I know the kinds of parties my brother throws.. They'll be loud and full of people and terrified of having a breakdown in the middle of the party.

Any ideas for keeping my cool?